Is maths and english gcse free for adults?

The Government funds these courses because they provide essential skills for work or higher education. We offer free gcse english and math classes for adults in Norfolk. When you return to your GCSE, whether English, mathematics or science, or other specialties such as law or psychology, you can progress in the A Levels or other vocational qualifications. For many career paths, it is often necessary to have at least a Mathematics and English GCSE in C (or higher).

Therefore, if you missed the GCSE exams, you will have to wait up to 6 months before you can retake the GCSE for mathematics or English. We also have mathematics and English courses with ESOL (additional English language support for speakers of other languages) and full-cost pre-session English programs for college admission and occupational English exam preparation. Functional skills qualifications provide you with essential practical skills in mathematics and English, and the vast majority of employers recognize a Level 2 functional skill as equivalent to a GCSE with a grade of 4 o C. Most jobs require GCSE Maths and GCSE English grades 9 to 4 (or A* to C).

in the previous rating system). We have a range of FREE Mathematics and English courses in Functional Skills (FS) and GCSE for those who want to improve their skills, gain a grade, improve job prospects or help progress. GCSE English and Maths will allow you to take the next steps in your career or progress towards further study. I'm thinking about becoming a nurse, or mental health nurse I have a b in English A little bit I failed my math, so can you steer me in the right direction please? The biggest disadvantage of retaking GCSE mathematics or English is having to take exams at the same time as GCSE students at school.

Dermot White
Dermot White

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